Tuesday 3 February 2009

Top 10 List

Here's my top 10 favorite things about being pregnant. See if you can figure out which are legit and which are facetious. Go ahead and make a little game out of it for yourself.

Here we go.

10. Getting to buy new clothes...and Dave doesn't even think its useless.

9. So much positive attention, everyone is so kind.
8. Having to go to tbe bathroom on every commercial break instead of just between each tv program.

7. Feeling him move inside me and wondering if he'll be as great of a aqua-aerobic dancer as I fear he will be.

6. Hemmeroids. Need I say more?
5. Having the blessed opportunity of straddling a pillow each night just to even get semi-comfortable.
4. Getting to pee in a cup more that one should ever have to in a lifetime.
3. Not feeling guilty at all when I am eating all day.

2. Feeling like I am finally a part of this special club that all mothers are in and I never was cool enough to be a part of.

...and my number one favorite thing about being prenant is...

1. Having absolutely bizzare and vivid dreams each and every night. Recently I've made out with an Apache, had my house wall knocked down by Dave's cousin's SUV and had Dave leave our date night to go do math homework with David Archuletta because he is "a numbers guy"...that's what Dave told me in my dream anyway. Sheesh.


Meredith said...

You, girl, have got to be the funniest cutest preggo girl I know! And remember what you said two Sundays ago about wanting him out? Are you taking your advice from this past Sunday and enjoying the stage you are in now?

Danika said...

You crack me up!!! And the fun is only beginning. Wait until all you dream about it poop & spit up & getting peed on and things like that...

KacieFlake said...

Hey I don't think that the pillow stradling is so bad. I keep forgetting to tell you that one of my dreams last week was of you having the baby but i couldn't come becuase i was teaching so then I saw him when he was two days old and he was already the size of a toddler (he was 8lbs when he was born, I asked) and I helped him take his first steps. AND we weren't freaked out, we were just like, wow, he's sure smart.
In last night's dream all but 30 people were killed in a nuclear bomb which was set off to cleanse the earth of everyone who didn't have super powers. I was saved becuase I could tell when people were lying (as a super power)and the only other person I knew was one of my students. (who was excited to hear about his powers today in class)

Evon said...

You are funny. When I was pregnant I craved beer and mexican food all the time--I drank O'dulls to satisfy my craving it also helped with heartburn. weird!

Momma J said...

My (uneducated) guesses...

10: True - Buying new clothes is fun...assuming that they fit.

9: Partially true - Sis. Millard is in the other ward so most comments are probably thoughtful and nice, but not everyone has proper tact. Plus I'm sure everyone wants to rub your belly and you can either love it or hate it.

8: False - Frequent bathroom breaks suck!

7: True and False - It's great to feel him move because it means that he's still alive and healthy, plus it's a cool feeling. NOT cool when there's no room for him to move around in, and your insides have already hit the "daily beating" limit... especially when you're sitting down or trying to go to sleep.

6: False - Just wait until after he comes out!

5: False - Just when you get remotely comfortable, you gotta pee again!

4: False - You've got it down to a science and can accomplish it without peeing on your hand anymore. Wa-hoo!

3: True - Midnight ice cream run anyone? Oh c'mon, it's for the baby. He NEEDS it.

2: True - It shouldn't be that way, but it just happens. Once a mother, always a mother.

1: True and False - I had freaky dreams with every pregnancy. The good ones were really good and the freaky/scary ones really threw me for a loop. It almost turned into a game... who could guess what I would dream about that night.

Randi said...

I love that picture of the swimmer guy. Your random pictures you choose are always so funny and awesome.

Angela said...

oh you are so funny and cute! i miss you!! I seriously couldn't believe how much peeing in a cup I had to do too! It was ridiculous.. but I had to do like three different 24 hour urine collections... that was the WORST! ps.. yes, welcome to the club! :) oh.. and the books:
The SEARS Library books :(especially "The Breastfeeding Book" and "The Baby Book", "The Vaccine Book" and "SIDS: A Parent's Guide.." all by a Sears) and "The Nursing Mother's Companion" by Kathleen Huggins, "Natural Childbirth the Bradley Way" by Susan McCutcheon, "Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy" and a fun one for Dave "What to Expect When Your Wife is Expanding" by Thomas Hill.. I've read all of these (plus some extra and they are all great.. I especially think you should get BOTH breastfeeding books, I used them both for reference the most often. .. Love you!