Thursday, 29 October 2009

What motherhood has done to me...

I have really been in touch with my inner-crafter lately. Here's what I've been working on:

Kai's room is decorated with sailboats. These will go above his crib.

This was one of our ward's Super Saturday crafts that I decided to do a little more rustic.

What's motherhood without a little baking? Here is some banana bread with chocolate chips that I wrapped up to give away.

(I would like to thank all those who have contributed to my success as a crafter. Kacie, for your constant inspiration. Meredith, for helping me realize there is a little crafter in all of us and Aunt Lynnae, for your tutoring. Thank you.)

Saturday, 24 October 2009

Bono-fide Magic!

Tuesday night, I was joined by my fellow U2 fan, Derek and our supportive spouses (my husband and my sister) as we caught the U2 360 tour at the Cardinals Stadium. I have been such a huge fan since I was in Junior High. The music and the crazy stage rocked. Shout out to my favorite band!

Not gonna lie, The Black Eyed Peas were a good time also. (Love them especially because Apl is Filipino!)

Sunday, 11 October 2009

The Merrell Fam

There were THREE babies added to the Merrell Fam within about 4 months! Here we all are down in Thatcher to be with Kyia (not to be confused with Kai) for the blessing of Kameron (not to be confused with Kendra) and his dad Kyle. SUGGESTION: Maybe we should pick a new letter for the next go around of babies.

Happy, Hungry and Sleepy...our three little dwarfs!